In 2019, the title of ‘Advanced Materials Laureate’ was awarded to renowned scientist, Prof. Herbert Gleite from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany and Dr. Frank Engelke from Bruker Biospin GmbH, Germany.
In 2019, the title of ‘Advanced Materials Laureate’ was awarded to renowned scientist, Professor Herbert Gleiter, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany. Prof. Gleiter is a revolutionary researcher of the world of nanoscience and his work is primarily focused on the application of nanotechnology, studying nanoglasses, which is a new class of non-crystalline nanomaterials. He also focuses on the transition between classical physics and quantum physics. In the year 1970, Prof. Gleiter demonstrated a new class of materials: nano-crystalline materials. Later in his career, in the year 1989, he initiated the development of a new class of non-crystalline solids, called nanoglasses.
These nanoglasses possess new properties that differ from those of today’s glasses and thus, lead to a range of novel applications that pave the way for a lot of new technologies. In the last three decades, Prof Gleiter has conducted some ground-breaking research in nanoscience and nanotechnology. With this discovery and development of new materials, his work is bound to have long-lasting positive consequences not just for the scientific line of enquiries, but also for the daily life of human beings in the future.IAAM honoured Prof. Herbert Gleiter with this prestigious title in the Asian Advanced Materials Congress 2019 held in Singapore.
In the 27th assembly of Advanced Materials Congress organized by International Association of Advanced Materials in Stockholm, Sweden from 11 to 14 August 2019, the association honoured as many as 30 researchers from all over the world with the most prestigious awards and accolades. In this assembly, IAAM awarded Dr. Frank Engelke with the title of ‘Advanced Materials Laureate’. Dr. Eglenke delivered an Advanced Materials Laureate Lecture on the topic: “Recent developments in solid-state DNP MAS NMR instrumentation”.
In this talk, the speaker described the progress in Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) instrumentation and methodology and suggested key factors in the recent growth of solid-state DNP NMR applications. The speaker reviewed the current state of the art of solid-state DNP NMR instrumentation, particularly focusing on solid-state NMR probe technology. A DNP system overview was given, including options for microwave sources and DNP NMR probes. He focused on some specific developments for DNP at 100 K with magic angle spinning (MAS).