International Association of Advanced Materials, IAAM invites symposium proposals for the upcoming assembly of IAAM Congress during 2020 – 2021. Association welcomes interdisciplinary thematic topics having connections with the 'Advancement of Materials to Global Excellence'. The symposium may schedule for 02 - 03 hours or more.
All symposium organizers, whether based in Europe or elsewhere, must be willing to attend the congress. The symposium organizer should be named in the proposal and he/she is not permitted to be as the main organizer of two successive symposia on the same topic. A co-organiser maybe the main organizer of the next symposium devoted to the same topic. Symposium organizer(s) must consider the budgetary implications of their proposal as they have to demonstrate that the event will be viable and income and expenditure will balance. Registration fees have to be paid by, or for, all organizers, participants and invited speakers. Please download the Template of the Symposium Proposal.
Session(s) of Symposium consists of the following category of speakers:
Poster sessions can be proposed in the symposium. The minimum number of posters should be 25 on display. The E-posters may also possible to invite.
The symposium proposals are encouraged to address the theme such as scientific research, translational research & innovations, and technology for the market. The complete proposal submits with CV(s) of organizer(s) by email to
Proposals listing more than 25 confirmed speakers will only be considered. The symposia/congress will run only in English.
IAAM will provide the necessary financial resources for the organization of a symposium on the following basis:
The IAAM contribution may use for the following category of expenditures:
Supporting registration fee, travel, and accommodation for symposium organizer, scientific committee members, speakers, and students. The symposium organizers will also get complimentary membership of IAAM for 5 years. Please read benefits and other info of IAAM members, Click Here
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